Against a backdrop of an unprecedented global crisis, C-level executives are adding one more worry...
The Business of IT Blog
How CPOs should navigate employee experience in the months ahead
This is the second post in our series of what digital leaders should consider as they navigate the...
How CISOs should navigate security in the months ahead
In our fourth post of our series of what digital leaders should consider as they navigate the...
DevOps Hiring Best Practices
DevOps skills are in high demand as organizations increasingly recognize the need for collaborative...
The Peak of Inflated Expectations: On the Edge
When any two people meet and begin a relationship, both parties come together with an ability to...
The Slope of Enlightenment: On Greased Wheels
We’ve now reached the Slope of Enlightenment. A product has been ideated. It has been taken to the...
The Trough of Disillusionment: Working Hard
After a product is ideated and moves through the Peak of Inflated Expectations, the idea has been...
The Plateau of Productivity: All Aboard
Here is a product. We call it Dylan. Dylan started playing music in cafes. Small audiences chipped...