Connected devices, aka the Internet of Things (IoT), are all around us. Enterprises are connecting...
Author - Muhammad Raza
DevOps Hiring Best Practices
DevOps skills are in high demand as organizations increasingly recognize the need for collaborative...
Hybrid Cloud Security: Challenges and Best Practices
Hybrid cloud computing combines the benefits of private and public cloud computing: mission...
IT/Tech Hiring: How to Prepare for an Interview
Demand for IT talent is on the rise. According to the recent CompTIA research report, tech...
Reliability vs Availability: What’s The Difference?
When you pay for a service or invest in the underlying technology infrastructure, you expect the...
Introduction to ITaaS: IT-as-a-Service
IT departments have traditionally operated as internal experts to the wider organization, fixing IT...
10 Best Practices to Avoid Cloud Vendor Lock-In
In the cloud world, our workloads exist wherever we operate: across hybrid clouds and various...
Cloud Infrastructure: A Brief Introduction
Cloud infrastructure refers to the hardware and software components that support the delivery of a...
Introduction to SMART Goals: Examples and Tips
The SMART goals framework helps define and plan for achievable outcomes. The idea is to define...
Introduction to the Gartner Hype Cycle
The Gartner Hype Cycle is a graphical representation of the perceived value of a technology trend...