Today’s demanding business environment requires that mainframe houses adopt the same DevOps...
Mainframe Blog
Automated Certificate Management on the Mainframe
Today, enterprise means everything—including the mainframe. Once upon a time, however, the cry of...
You Don’t Need the Force to Keep Your Mainframe Going
You don’t have to be a Star Wars fan to know about “The Force.” In the movies, it’s a special...
Know the Odds with the Right KPIs
Throughout our lives, we make decisions based on the facts at hand and the likely outcome of our...
How to Supercharge Mainframe DevOps with Git + BMC AMI DevX Code...
More and more mainframe organizations are either moving to Git or talking about moving to Git...
Git for the Mainframe: Take Mainframe DevOps to the Next Level
The history of the mainframe is a long one, and it’s far from over. While today’s computing...
Making Mainframe Git Less Daunting
Mainframe and Git were words that didn’t seem to go together not that long ago. Git’s popularity...
Understanding the Tactics of Russian Cyber Attacks, and How to...
Anxiety is high around the potential for Russian cyberattacks given the current political climate...