In complex computer systems, there remains a perpetual risk of small errors. Sometimes these errors...
Author - Stephen Watts
What is Workload Automation? WLA Explained
Workload automation (WLA) is the process of using software to schedule, initiate, and execute...
What is Server Automation? Server Automation Explained
Traditional server management can include hundreds of infrastructure elements managed by several...
Conway’s Law: A Primer
Over fifty years ago, a mathematician and programmer named Dr. Melvin Conway stated in a paper...
Enabling the Citizen Data Scientists
More businesses are invested in statistics and analytics, creating a need for people who excel at...
Collective Intelligence Benchmarking (CIB): An Introduction
“Maximizing performance” is a phrase you hear get slung around a lot. It’s often spoken of in a way...
What Is a Citizen Developer?
In a time when enterprise businesses are rapidly evolving, cloud computing offers new ways to...
Cassandra Introduction: What is Apache Cassandra?
To fully appreciate Apache Cassandra and what it can do, it’s helpful to first understand NoSQL...
What is Employee Experience Management?
Similar to customer experience, employee experience is a vital part of improving your corporation’s...
An Introduction to Operations Runbooks
It’s difficult to overstate how complex the modern IT world is. In fact, we’ve written at length...