Oscar Wilde famously said, “You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” I’m not sure about the...
Author - Mark Wilson
Sounding the Alarm: the Top Mainframe Security Threats
The headlines keep on coming. British Airways data breach: thousands of customers given more time...
Welcome to the hub: the original cloud is driving digital...
The mainframe isn’t quite the center of the universe, but it’s not far off The mainframe sits at...
Fallout from the SolarWinds Supply Chain Compromise
It’s an ill wind that blows no good, and profits nobody. That old nautical phrase popped into my...
From Zero to Hero: Making Zero Trust Happen
How confident are you that your mainframe systems and data are as protected and secure as they...
Solving the Security Risk Your CISO Doesn’t Know About
What do you do when your car breaks down? A major home repair is needed? What if you have a...